Print my guest book
Your digital guestbook is hosted for free on this site for 1 year starting from its creation date.
To keep your testimonies for more than 1 year, you can print your guestbook by going to my online boutique Words are Gifts.
What will my printed guestbook look like?
The book is printed in colour, with a rigid canvas cover which will ensure its solidity for years to come. The cover image is printed on a book jacket which covers the rigid cover.
The book format is A5 = 15 cm x 21 cm
How do I print it?
Wait until your guestbook is complete, with all the testimonies included.
When you are ready, go to the site Words are Gifts, “Guestbook” page.
Provide the following information:
- The URL for the guestbook you want to print
- The precise number of pages it includes
- Place your order!
How long before I receive my printed guestbook?
It will take 10 days for you to receive your printed guestbook (between payment of your order and the reception of your printed guestbook) (for Metropolitan France). We also ship guestbooks abroad, which will add at least a week to your order time.
How much does it cost?
The print rate depends on the number of pages in your guestbook (on average between 29 and 79 euros, depending on number of pages). For guestbooks with more than 80 pages, we will print two volumes. We offer discounts if you order several copies of the same guestbook. Please contact us for more information.
For any other questions, please contact us and we’ll find the right solution for any of your “heartfelt” projects!